Beware of the invisible

In our dear planet, two intelligent species abound. We have humans and an interdimesional species that may slip in and out of our reality with advanced cloaking technology.

These interdimensional beings have a civilisation in the bowels of the earth. One of the reason there is a global effort to cease use of oil rigs is because the continued depletion of these resources could negatively affect the stability of these underground cities.

We all know CO ² is the gas of life, without which the plants would cease to be. And CO 2 is colorless such that when they show those foggy pollution images they might be referring to something else but not the gas of life.

When we left the Old Universe to experience this hologram inverse, the rebel “angels” had already arrived ahead of us. That’s when they resolved to take undesirable forms that religion would call demons, jinns or fallen angels.

In our planet Earth, the fallen angelic race takes the form of reptilian ancestry as their soul carriers while humans took the ape like form as its soul carrier

Over Millenia, the fallen angelic beings have improved their reptilian avatar with humanoid to look almost like human beings.

Over the years the fallen angels in now human form have taken control of human society by occupying top institutions and recruiting puppets that help fulfill their agenda.

The fallen angels race are advanced in metaphysics. And from time to time, our ancestors through mediums could borrow their knowledge on how to bend certain outcomes in our reality, of course at a cost. And depending on the size of the request spilling of blood was required with the highest sacrifice being a human one.

An individual could sermon a demon to do their bidding and achieve feats that one would have thought impossible. Or use the demon to cause harm to their opponent.

Paul in the epistles calls it, “principalities and powers”. The Quran has an entire Surah dedicated to the Jinn.

In orthodox Christian religion of the East. They have 2 books. The book of the living and the book of the dead. If a devotee has a person dear to them and is alive and needs some intercessory prayers from the priest, they would note the name in the book of the living.

If a devotee has a departed contact that they wish to pray for, they would note the name in the book of the dead.

In witchcraft, a malicious person would write the name of a living person in the book of the dead and as the priest does his incantations the “living dead” person would be visited by some infirmities.

Another one would be using the dust of a grave of a recently buried person. And touch the neck of a person one intends to curse and in a couple of weeks the person would be dead.

Another is using waters used to wash a dead person and giving it to a living person to drink.

The list is endless

In local Christianity, these rituals remain hidden but they are practised by top church leadership as the congregants remain subdued by their spiritual fathers and mothers.

Secret societies have a ton of knowledge on how to manipulate the underworld for potent results in our reality. One of the revered books by the cults is " the lesser keys of Solomon" and “the 6th and 7th book of Moses”.

Among the Muslim, whereas they respect their God Allah as the final judge and the giver of Jannah (eternal paradise) - they see Him as distant in day to day life and its not uncommon for the believers to use talisman “lucky charms” and consult spiritual healers that make incantations and make use of amulets.

Whereas, most people think of witchcraft as a village thing, it’s far widespread than people think. And all societies including western are not to be spared. Neither does religion offer a safe space as its part of it.

So what do?

God the Source and Father of All Beginnings has placed a spark of his element in all of his creation, you just have to ask and it will be given to you, knock and the door will be opened for you. You don’t need any medium to connect you, because all that there is, is inside of you.

For those that engage in black magic, it eventually gets back to them like a shylock coming for his debt.

[SIZE=1](Mwalim Mike Ndech, PhD, Bandit of Isiolo)[/SIZE]

Black magic is safe to terminate enemies as long as it’s your enemy . Sioni shita hapo kiongozi

Hehe hehe

Haki hii ni deep

Make this a series, gripping read

How does one ask of God’s protection, because on one hand you say that religion is part and parcel of manipulation, then on the other you say one ought to seek God?

Eh is this conspiracy theory manenos.
I as a Christian will say Jesus is above all this if we find as the light nothing to worry what goes in darkness we are safe in the light and Jesus takes care of whatever is happening in darkness he is the ultimate sacrifice ama