Best Site to Down Movies and Series

Wangwana which is the best site to download 1080P, 4k and 8k movies and series… Will appreciate your assistance

Nia aje @Mzeiya

Too many redirections babaa.

All those links zina ni redirect to betika and other payup links

Listen people. This sites are coded with trackers and pop ups in attempt to track phishers and piracy and some are created to corrupt your privacy.
Once you are using vpn, you will never get any pop ups or unnecessary redirections. Thats what I use and I have never been redirected to anything but the site.

Which VPN?


Is it free?

Brave browser?

Yes pptp is free… But I use the paid ones which are incorporated much more benefits than the free one , check it out.

Elder umesaidika?

Why don’t you simply your thread like this? Must you be taught online neatness?

My mind is very disorganized. You will fail to understand.

here is a sample where you put in the settings. Password may vary.
This is the layout of the free vpn server in vpn book

Install Adblocker Ultimate add-on on Mozilla and you are good to go…I have already downloaded 3movies from the site shared by @SledgeHammer

Natumianga direct link forum inaitwa snahpit. Mambo ya torrent nilieka kando

When was the last time you used it? The site no longer functions