Ati zakayo must go.


Zakayo is here to stay he will control politics In the next 20 years.


KOT ran Konyagi off twirra :D. Waiting to see how long Zakayo can stomach KOT

Just waiting for the misery to intensify for the common citizen …

  • Basic food shortages and commodity price increases.
  • Depreciating value of the KES.
  • Taxes , taxes , taxes on everything everywhere - yet Service Delivery across the board is dismal.

The only people doing well are the political class and their Cronies …[ and First Daughters …].

Politically , even the so-called Mt: Kenya Block vote that was so crucial is thinking twice …
[ … and Riggy Gee should not fool anyone that he controls that vote …]

Wajakhoya will have a major future impact on the Western vote …
Coast region is in flux now but will soon settle down.
North Eastern is a Drought and War Zone - ethnic and inter-clan violence will increase.
Rift Valley is simmering under the carpet.

Meanwhile , politicians are demanding and will get more funding for God knows what exactly.
{ … Riggy Gee just got back all the money he stole and all criminal charges dropped …]

Zakayo has began his usual litany on 1000 more Dams and infrastructure white elephants …
[ … he could not build 67 dams and 9 Stadiums in 10 Years …]

Lets see the next 6 months …
What a Joke … :D:D

[COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]#zakayoout

Usisahau 2000 deductions za nssf:D:D the only thing he is offering peasants is literal manure and prayers. Pale kwa zuckeberg the peasants are up in arms with a few tooth carriers protecting the man