South Africa got balls; Standing upto Israel. Sande sana

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Is this a newspaper reference?

I wanted to ask the same but you said it all…Hamas should stop with the retaliation coz their people are the major victims in this war

Israel is not a member of the ICC, what are they smoking down south?

mimi kama mukristo wa mungu napenda Israel

You are too quick to judge…icc can prosecute non members who commit crimes against members. PALESTINE joined ICC in 2015…luckily for israel they have friends at the UNSC and you know what that means

Don’t worry,he is an Arab sympathiser.A Somalian who has nowhere to call home

Tough luck, with Biden’s administration? I can foresee the tide changing…

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Paris, France


Zechariah 12:3 And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.

Israel helped South Africa to build a nuclear bomb during apartheid times. The bomb was to be used against blacks and anyone else opposed to apartheid. So is natural for the black south African govt to sympathise with the Palestinians since they know what it means to be subjugated in your own country.

We shouldn’t be too concerned about what the two archenemies do to each other as long as it does not spill over outside the couldron.

Typical bonobo mentality. All you are concerned with is sex and booze. No empathy for other humans beyond your sight of vision. Lakini mkipata ukimwi or if you are struck by drought mnataka all the world to stop what they are doing to help you.

Sijui kwa nini nyeuthi nyingi have the comprehension abilities za 7-year olds…


And also Israel is not weak. Some of these Arab countries buy Israel made military products.

Because they are sovereign.

Because they are anti-Semitic. :smiley:

That is not a surprise. A true student of history knows the long running hatred between Israel and the ANC. Israeli’s handle SA diamonds from there a smart mind can tell what happened in the 70s and 80s.

Ramaphosa today is a mining mbirrionea thanks to Jews. The Jews he is pretending to hate.

Racist kiaje yet Palestinians wamejaa Israeli govt?

Where is Bensouda?

He has been humbled very much this ageing bonobo. :D:D

A few months ago this uppity bonobo wouldn’t be caught dead talking to a “lowly” talker like yourself. Sasa wamerudi Kenyatalk tails tucked neatly between their buttcheeks pretending to notice everyone. Pretending to be nice to everyone.:D:rolleyes::rolleyes::cool:

In 2012 we kinda believed Al Jazeera but Trump has removed the blindfold from our eyes. Al Jazeera is pure anti Israel propaganda.